So there has not really been a single instant where I can stand and Vlog, it would be either really short, or just a droning
blah blah blah.... So I am just going to
write it, starting from the last day I posted...
Well for 1, My host father called. It not only solidified my wanting to go, but made me excited, without making me nervous, which everything else does. But he called and asked if I was coming, (he had a very strong accent) I was like yup, and the we discussed when I would come, and he believes that he will come and get me on Saturday (this Saturday, OMG) but I fly (first time) to Miami on Thursday, and then Panama comes on Friday. So he figured I must spend the night at a meeting, like with Miami. I was unaware of this, but after asking my advisor, I figured this was what was going to happen.

As for the
visa, I finally got myself (and my parents) to get the Apostille, An Apostille as I have to tell everyone each time I bring it up, is a legal document that once Apostillized, is legal in every country. The document was a parental consent form, so I now have parental consent in
every country!!! But the real fun of it was that once I got it notarized, I went
directly to the Postal Office, because it needed to go to Augusta, ME, to be signed and stamped by the secretary of state. But I went, there was a form for the Apostille I had to fill out. I put it in the folder, with the addresses and everything. Guess when I got it....
2 days later!!!! It was so fast Keep in mind I
over-nighted it, which cost a little less that $20, but It is done with.
*enter breath of relief here*
What else, what else, ugh. Well, working, fun fun fun! Party for a friend's birthday. Family Reunion. And today I went to a site of one of Maine's few unique exports, blueberries!!!! (the other ones are potatoes and lobster) But I raked from 7:30 to 1:30, and did sooo bad. But hey, extra $$$ is always welcome....

And because one of the boxes was donated during a previous fundraiser, I took a few off the top, (keep in mind this is a huge box, and not the dainty fist full sold at grocery stores world wide) and with those few, I made a milkshake... it was soooo goooood. But very
SO that's it so far, I have a video of where I work, but I need to get approval, so I can come back and work there again. For now, I have 3 days, and I am in Miami.... everything is literally around the corner, and I am freaking out. :( frowny face. But I am excited.