Panama Vlog, by Nicholas Young
An attempt to spread the joys of two different cultures through the medium of video.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Coming Soon
Allrighty, so no internet is a drag, but in the beginning of september... i think my host family is getting it... so videos and stories then.... but for now CHOW.... they use that here.... a lot....
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 1 & 2 + Problems
Wrap up….. So there is an empty space of time, but a lot has been happening, and of course I have no internet where I am living, so I have to go to one of the 6 or 7 internet places that are less than 5 minutes away… But yeah, From the Top….
3:00 on Thursday I got up.. after sleeping for like 20 minutes, because I had procrastinated enough to the point where I had less than a day left. But I ended up packing everything I needed (when I was packing) So I got up, took a shower, put my stuff in the car, and my dad drove us to The Bangor Airport. Which was only an hour and a half away. We got there and I am soo glad I had my Passport, I really have no other form of ID, but they asked for it, and then I paid $25 for my bag, I went up to the second area. Where the TSA was searching through everyone… I had my camera in my pocket, my wallet in another, I had to take my laptop out and I had to take my shoes off. I thought for sure my pants would set off the alarm… but they didn’t, which was a relief… though I was wearing shorts under my pants to meet the weight requirements of my bag… But I passed through, and went to a waiting room and waited for a while… sad enough I didn’t even get to hug my parents, sister and grandmother as I rushed off… just to end up sitting for a half hour… L but they know I love them, and I know they love me. But I waited, with free Wifi! love that… The weather came on and was like, “If you are flying out of Philadelphia expect a half hour delay… everyone around me groaned.
The called the zones and eventually I got up and stood in line, they took my ticket, and I entered the plane, the hallway there made me feel like a birthing canal, just going the wrong way… compact and odd (keep in mind this is my first flight) So I sat in the seat, for a good 20 minutes that dragged on and on… I felt like the plane would turn around and immediately be in the air. But we went around the airways, and amazingly enough we went faster and faster until finally we were off, and then I felt the gravity push back, and for the next half hour we turned and fought gravity and went higher. The belt light turned off for like 5 minutes, then we went down, and ended up landing in like 30 minutes. I went to the right terminal and waited for a while.. I sat next to a girl who was maybe 13 reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, a movie that had been playing in the theaters and I thought that it was some how Ironic. But the zones were eventually called… and we boarded the plane, perfectly on time.
We began backing up and the air people (stewards and stewardesses) were doing the safety dance. But not much has changed… But we stopped and waited… for like 10 minutes… no one really thinks anything of it but… the plane isn’t moving!!! The pilots voice come on, “There is a button that needs to be green that is red… we are going to see if we can fix it then be on our way” 20 minutes pass, “We are going to need to dock, it is a problem with the filters and it needs to be fixed for everyone’s safety.” We docked and waited next to the platform we had got onto this flight with. but we got off and waited for 2 ENDLESS HOURS. Which was really horrible… but everyone shared the same mentality… eventually we got back on… and flew to Miami, it was B-E-A-UTIFUL, getting my bag to 30 minutes… But once I got outside, the humidity was killer. Not to mention the shuttle to Embassy Suites was no where to be found. (no idea what it looked like) I walked aimlessly for an hour until one when racing by me… I waved fanatically… he saw me…. yes! I got on and just watched Miami pass me by with all the Palm Trees and skyscapers. Until we finally got to the Hotel… I walked in, and there was a giant group of AFS kids in yellow shirts there… I walk up to the greeter lady (Michelle) Who asked for my Passport, Proof of Travel and Apostille. BUT OMG MIMI was there, and she gave me the biggest embracing hug ever… She was going to leave that night…
We had the orientation, which was similar to the one a few weeks ago and we ate and we talked… a lot. But that morning, the 9 (2 were for the University Program) to Panamá would take flight and be closer to their new homes. And everything went well. (I made a video for that Day)
We got to the hotel and met everyone, worked on our visas, ate, talked for a few days, I wanted to get out of that hotel… not that it was a bad hotel… I just wanted to see less of it, and more of the city. We stayed there for a few days,, there ended up being like 40 Germans!!! and everyone there, from Holland, Germany, Austria, everyone spoke English, some with heavy accents, but all had experience learning a second, if not third language… and had a talent show (here is what we did)
The next day, we got up and in our respectable groups we left for each of our cities, 2 other Americans are going to Penonomé with me, and 3 others, who speak German, but there English is really good. But we went on a bus for possibly an hour and a half. Overall it was kind of boring, but we fit so many people on that tiny bus… Which was just surprising to me..
But we got to Penonomé and we all felt like orphans who were all being adopted. There were a bunch of Beinvenido signs, which was really nice… I like that.
I went to there house, and it was something beautiful… there are plants in the courtyard and plants, in the ground in the living room. There is electricity and running water. But no internet and the water is cold, (which isn’t always a bad thing) But here are some pictures…
I am going to try to make some more videos… I just have very little time… I need to show everyone what Penonomé looks like!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
So there has not really been a single instant where I can stand and Vlog, it would be either really short, or just a droning blah blah blah.... So I am just going to write it, starting from the last day I posted...
As for the visa, I finally got myself (and my parents) to get the Apostille, An Apostille as I have to tell everyone each time I bring it up, is a legal document that once Apostillized, is legal in every country. The document was a parental consent form, so I now have parental consent in every country!!! But the real fun of it was that once I got it notarized, I went directly to the Postal Office, because it needed to go to Augusta, ME, to be signed and stamped by the secretary of state. But I went, there was a form for the Apostille I had to fill out. I put it in the folder, with the addresses and everything. Guess when I got it.... 2 days later!!!! It was so fast Keep in mind I over-nighted it, which cost a little less that $20, but It is done with. *enter breath of relief here*
And because one of the boxes was donated during a previous fundraiser, I took a few off the top, (keep in mind this is a huge box, and not the dainty fist full sold at grocery stores world wide) and with those few, I made a milkshake... it was soooo goooood. But very sweet.
Well for 1, My host father called. It not only solidified my wanting to go, but made me excited, without making me nervous, which everything else does. But he called and asked if I was coming, (he had a very strong accent) I was like yup, and the we discussed when I would come, and he believes that he will come and get me on Saturday (this Saturday, OMG) but I fly (first time) to Miami on Thursday, and then Panama comes on Friday. So he figured I must spend the night at a meeting, like with Miami. I was unaware of this, but after asking my advisor, I figured this was what was going to happen.

What else, what else, ugh. Well, working, fun fun fun! Party for a friend's birthday. Family Reunion. And today I went to a site of one of Maine's few unique exports, blueberries!!!! (the other ones are potatoes and lobster) But I raked from 7:30 to 1:30, and did sooo bad. But hey, extra $$$ is always welcome....

SO that's it so far, I have a video of where I work, but I need to get approval, so I can come back and work there again. For now, I have 3 days, and I am in Miami.... everything is literally around the corner, and I am freaking out. :( frowny face. But I am excited.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Dinner Party At Mom's House Vlog #6
On the 15th, I went to my mom's house, With my sister, mother and grandmother there... We ate, and had Cheese Cake, my most favorite kind of cake, but I also love Ice Cream Cake, Kitty Litter Cake, and a Mint Pie that my cousin makes for thanksgiving/july 4th. But the party was really fun, and I got a special birthday* present, which you should stay tuned in to see, on the video.
*It was not actually my Birthday
*It was not actually my Birthday
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